In Hinduism and Indian mythology Krishna is the eighth avatar or reincarnation of the god Vishnu.Also Krishna is one of the most popular Hindu gods.Krishna was saved when exchanged by his parents for the daughter of a herdsman Nanda and his wife Yasoda (the daughter was also a divine being, an incarnation of Maya).With his foster parents Krishna spent a happy life playing boyish pranks and seducing the gopis (cow girls) and other rustic maidens.They found his flute playing irresistible.Krishna is the speaker of the Bhagavad-gita, which is recognized throughout the world as one of mankind’s greatest books of wisdom. In the Gita, as it is also known, Krishna says repeatedly that He is God Himself, the source of everything. Arjuna, to whom Krishna is speaking, accepts Krishna’s words as true, adding that the greatest spiritual authorities of that time also confirm that Krishna is God.The Vedas describe Krishna in this way: He is a beautiful youth with a glowing complexion the color of rain clouds. He plays a flute, attracting the hearts of all. His cheeks are brilliant, His smile enchanting. He wears a peacock feather in His curly black hair and a flower garland around His neck. His beautiful garments are the color of lightning. His toenails resemble the light of the moon.

Monday, June 15, 2009


Bhagavan has said in the Gita that "those who take refuge in me and do their spiritual practices, they come to know everything." (Gita 7/29). Therefore having faith in Bhagavan and trusting Him, one should engage in practices spiritual disciplines, listen to talks related to Bhagavan (God), do good deeds, engage in conversations related to Truth (Sat), engage in inquiry and contemplation on the Truth, and have pure and divine sentiments for every one. Then suddenly enlightenment can take place, a realization of the Essential Truths (Paramatma tattva) either due to saints, scriptures and some incident etc.

If you meet a Guru and does not attain essential knowledge (jnana), then truthfully, you have not met a real Guru at all. If one meets a real Guru and an aspirant (sadhak) becomes intensely engaged in spiritual discipline, then undoubtedly knowledge will be attained. It is not possible that a true sadhak on meeting a true saint does not attain enlightenment ! There is a saying -

Paaras keraa gun kisaa, palatyaa nahin lohaa
kai toh nij paaras nahin, kai bich rahaa bichohaa

By the touch of the philosopher' s stone if iron does not turn to gold, then that philosopher' s stone is not geniune, or the iron is
not geniune, or there was some obstruction in between.

The point is that if the student opens his heart and meets with the Guru with a simple straight forwardness, if he does not hide anything then an inner strength manifests in the disciple (student), by which he attains salvation.

The Guru-Tattva (Essence of Guru) is eternal and it can be attained by any incident, any situation, any books, any individual etc. Therefore it is true that without a Guru, knowledge cannot be attained.

Question: Is having a Guru - Disciple relationship essential for our Salvation?

Answer: It is essential to have a Guru for salvation, but salvation cannot be attained from one that you make as your Guru. Guru-ness naturally manifests in that One from whom realization is attained. The point is that it is not required to make someone a Guru for your salvation, rather in whatever way we attain knowledge from another, the other becomes our Guru in those aspects, whether we accept it or not, whether we know and believe it or not.

In whom there is intense longing for salvation, that one naturally attains enlightenment by the Self (swattah boddh) - just like when there is a discussion going on, then enlightenment takes place simply by listening to the talks or if you are going somewhere and in some house there is conversation taking place then in that conversation something triggers and enlightenment is attained, or if you open a certain book then incidently whatever page opens up and reading a particular thing on that page one attains enlightenment or if you read the history of some saint and while reading you pick up on a point then in that you attain enlightenment on that point etc. The point is that for the awakening of knowledge, a particular person in not the cause, rather it is our intense longing, our single-point focus and quest to know which is the main reason.

To get a Guru is not in the hands of man at all. It is only in man's hand to develop an intense longing, uninterrupted quest and fervor for realization. Havining faith and belief in Bhagavan, becoming fearless, doubtless, worriless, and remorseless let us continue to deligently walk our spiritual path.

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